players (22 pairs), the same number of participants as in the last two years. Because of the intense competition this year, there were five pairs that ended up tied for the Most Bullseyes award.
The following five pairs are this year's knockout winners, all with records of 8 wins & 4 losses:-
M.Jiminez & Shawn Singh (1)
Shiraz Hosein & Vijay Kissoon (2)
Vishnu & Chandra Narine (3)
Baldeo Beepath & Lincoln Chan (4)
Sylvester Parker & Joe 'Station 55' Paul (5)
One pair (Sunil & Frank) won the Most Hang Jacks award with 6.
Sunil Ramlochan & Frank Arjoon
The highlight of the day belonged to young Mikyla Albert. She was finally presented with her trophies for winning the Most Bullseyes at the Family Day Tournament in April of last year. Mikyla was only nine years old at the time (probably our youngest winner of this competition).

After winning this award Mikyla went on to do a school project on the game of All Fours and achieved a perfect score of 100%. We the MAA are so proud of her for what she has accomplished and congra-tulate her for promoting the game of All Fours in Winnipeg.

Chairperson Wayne Sankar presenting the Challenge Cup & Most Bullseyes Trophy to Mikyla Albert
A job well done! Congrats and thank you Mikyla! We love you...You did us proud...You are our true champion! Tables (Pairs) Having Fun.

Big Ray under heavy pressure from Terry & Glenn